In April I got hacked on my IG.... received an email saying I changed my password from an iPhone in LA - (I'm an ANDROID user and I wasn't in LA). I tried to log in and a few seconds it felt like my whole INSTAGRAM was GONE. I reached out to META and no response. At first I was so LOST, like how am I going to keep going on in my business. Then it hit me... IG wasn't doing anything for me at all, no business from it just post after post to see if I get LIKES and SHARES wasn't making no MONEY from IG. I lost focus on what I should be doing for my BUSINESS.
I want to THANK the HACKER who did this because it has been a HUGE BLESSING, it made me FOCUS on my website and really SHOWCASE what I have been doing since 2008 with my photography and filming. See I never needed IG... I get all my business word to mouth and now that I created my website I have been getting even more business from it. I'm from the OLD-SCHOOL where you TALK to PEOPLE not send them a DM, a TEXT, like the photos they posted.
So 4 months no IG and I love every min and second of it. It shows if you really rocked with me I would have given you my number. If it doesn't make sense having something get RID of it! Social Media has really made people dumb and have no attention span anymore just SAD.
So the next time you go to a concert, dinner, party, etc... put down the phone and don't post it on IG just ENJOY THE MOMENTS in LIFE.
RAMON aka R54